Get your dystopian/post election season shirts and anything else you need, on sale now!
T-Shirt HellWhat’s on your 2025 bucket list? Take up painting? New diet? A little insurrection maybe? Hey we feel ya, but it seems like it’s not gonna happen this time around. Still… I’d rather be insurrecting. Then just sit back relax, and wait for that beautiful pardon.
Or maybe “move to Canada” is on the top of your to-do’s. Hey, we have some bad news for you. They don’t want you around any more than your estranged children do. So you can cross that one off your list, unless of course you want to put yourself on Craigslist as an American Mail-Order Bride. Maybe you’ll get lucky and get bought by a Canadian man, but let’s be real it’ll probably be someone from a shithole country. Still… could be a step up.
Anyway, a lot of us are already thinking about 2028, knowing our upcoming pres can’t run again. But the only candidate people are really talking about right now looks suspiciously familiar… can’t quite put a finger on why but…. It’ll come to me.
And whatever your plans are for next year, remember it always helps to write them down. Make a little Project 2025 list for yourself, and see if you cross off your goals faster than the Heritage Foundation crosses off theirs!
Regardless, we have a perfect shirt for these dystopian times and you’re probably gonna want to buy all 7 of them and keep them in rotation, since it’s ideal for every day of the week.
Remember - these shirts make perfect gifts, and the holidays are upon us. We’ll even throw you a bone and give you 5% off using coupon VET5, now through Monday. (This will work off all other designs as well, in case you’re over Politics.) See you in the checkout line!